Hiking between woods, vineyards and the Danube

Soon we’ll be off to a new short trail – 10 days and 200km will lead us through the beautiful region of Wachau. It won’t be alpine (nope, definitely not 😂) but it will be scenic with lots of great spots like Stift Melk, Stift Göttweig, Dürnstein (King Richard Lionheart anyone?) etc. on our way. I also hope to be served great food.

If you want to check out the route in advance: https://www.donau.com/de/wachau-nibelungengau-kremstal/ausflug-bewegen/bewegung/welterbesteig-wachau/

We’ll be doing different stops and even combining some days because after all, we’re here for the hiking and not wine drinking. 😉