Day 0 – Arrival in Heiligenblut

It’s been one busy day… My parents drove us to Heiligenblut to walk the first stage with us from the Kaiser Franz Josefs Höhe down to Heiligenblut. So first we had to get everything in the car which wasn’t easy. After a lot of rummaging around we managed to fit it all into the trunk. And off we went…  Continue reading “Day 0 – Arrival in Heiligenblut”

In two days’ time…

In not even two days’ time we’ll be standing on the Kaiser Franz Josefs Höhe at the start of our trail. Everything’s packed, and we are ready to go. After all the last weeks where I felt like I could start any second I’m currently feeling not ready at all. Can we make it? Will we like it? And can we enjoy it?

Well, too late now… If you want leave us some comments or contact us via the contact button on the top of the page. 🙂 Now off to Styria before we’ll be going to Heiligenblut tomorrow!

Merino is the word!

What to wear during two months when you should pack lightly and probably can only take less than a handful of shirts with you? When you’re gonna wear the same stuff day after day, probably without washing it for quite some days and going through various weather conditions…  Continue reading “Merino is the word!”